Renterra changelog

Quick Sale

changelog cover

Description: The Quick Sale feature is designed for situations where you want to sell items without creating a full rental transaction. It allows you to easily search among existing inventory items, check out customers, and charge them seamlessly.

How to Use:

  1. From the drop-down menu in the "+New Orders" button at the top of the page, click on "Quick Sale."

  2. A search interface will appear, allowing you to search for the items you want to sell

  3. Enter relevant keywords or item details in the search bar and add any relevant Sale items with the appropriate quantity

  4. If the sale is meant to be tax exempt, checkmark the "Tax Exempt" button

  5. Once you have selected all the items for the quick sale, click on the "Process Payment" button.

  6. After entering the necessary details, click on the "Charge" button to process the payment seamlessly.

Note: Quick Sale does not create a full rental transaction, and the sold items will be deducted from your inventory accordingly.

Enjoy the convenience of Quick Sale for hassle-free item sales!